Play day at Punkapocalyptic in St. Petersburg!

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Registrado: Vie Ago 09, 2019 2:52 pm

Re: Play day at Punkapocalyptic in St. Petersburg!

Mensaje por RICO » Lun Oct 18, 2021 9:12 pm

yeah is pain in the ass for upload pic in the forums, i upload all on discord and copy paste de url image from here to forum, buy you are right... not very confortable

about junkers, really i don play them, i started on punka with them but was 6 years ago and sell my soul to the mutards XD

in my opinion, that depends of the player himself, some player use a lot of granades and fire-smoke markers for make crazy to the rival and play on groun control like caronte (the player not the fiction personality XD)
i, for example, prefer 3 probes (i loves probes and his rules) with guns one dinamo with vaporeta (i like werid wapons) and some pistons (one with ballistic punch or a pair of harpoon...very slow but very deadly weapon...depends of the points to play)
really they have a few of all things, but they dont hightlight on nothing, softy attribute but a a lot of gadgets to change the play final match

really they are really good with rifle an his scope, one of the more pain of theass range weapon in the game, but you cant trust all your gang on the rifle...although they keep been deadly and mortal

caronte is a very good character
and now in the ks we have a very greatfull surprise... samantha miniature and new rules for her (the sexy leader of junkers faction) she could change the playstyle for junkers... maybe

really i dont control very well junker, play a pair of time with them and lost...but i am a very clumsy player XD
caronte the player is your best shoot, i tell him ;)
Mutants With Apttittude

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Registrado: Jue Jun 24, 2021 2:39 pm

Re: Play day at Punkapocalyptic in St. Petersburg!

Mensaje por Шрек » Lun Oct 18, 2021 9:24 pm

CARONTE escribió:
Lun Oct 18, 2021 8:47 pm
Шрек escribió:
Lun Oct 18, 2021 5:40 pm
We played very well yesterday. I blissed out straight. It is difficult to upload more photos here, since it is very tedious to register these tags and pull one photo at a time from the file hosting service. I posted a lot of photos on Facebook. I also asked a question about playing for the Junkers, but so far no one has answered. Maybe you can tell me what they are playing from? Maybe have a couple of roasters to see? Do you use Dynamo and Piston more often as main combat models?
Добро пожаловать снова, господин Шрек! :)

I didn't see you long time ago! Or am I who didn't come? :lol: Well ... focus, focus! You came to the right place for to ask, my friend. You asked about Junkers, and they are my favourite faction. :mrgreen:

For me harpoon gun is a must. One as minimum. Sometimes I use two. People sometimes play very agressive with three.
There are lovers of rifles with scope. They control well the field.

I'm a strange Junker. I'm a piromaniac, so I don't use fire arms. I prefer mix fire bombs and electrif suit, because it's frieproof. :twisted:
I will write you my typical roaster:
  • Caronte
  • 2x Piston with harpoon gun
  • 2x Dinamo with electrif suit
  • 2x Dinamo with 4 fire bombs (I call them "valyrios")
  • 2x Dinamo with vaporeta and gadgets of the trade
  • 2x Gear with pumper
They work in binomials:
A valyrio with a Dinamo with eletrif suit.
A vaporeta with a pumper.
If you want explanation why them go together ask me. ;)

I hope this help you. If you have more questions, ask for free. I will answer everything I can tell you.

For some time I was busy with work and family, so I played little, but at the same time we continued to develop Punka at our place. Now the guys will collect and paint their bundles, it will be more interesting. We now have a few players and I really hope to have our first small tournament by December. A 6-8 person just for fun and to draw attention to the system.

Here we have a couple more people who are interested in Junkers. Perhaps I will collect them for myself with the second faction. And I want to understand from what tactics and models they play.
As I expected, the focus is on the Dynamo and Junkers Specialized Weapons. What tactics do you follow when playing with this receipt? Who are the models for scoring victory points?

Mensajes: 104
Registrado: Jue Jun 24, 2021 2:39 pm

Re: Play day at Punkapocalyptic in St. Petersburg!

Mensaje por Шрек » Lun Oct 18, 2021 9:31 pm

RICO escribió:
Lun Oct 18, 2021 9:12 pm
yeah is pain in the ass for upload pic in the forums, i upload all on discord and copy paste de url image from here to forum, buy you are right... not very confortable

about junkers, really i don play them, i started on punka with them but was 6 years ago and sell my soul to the mutards XD

in my opinion, that depends of the player himself, some player use a lot of granades and fire-smoke markers for make crazy to the rival and play on groun control like caronte (the player not the fiction personality XD)
i, for example, prefer 3 probes (i loves probes and his rules) with guns one dinamo with vaporeta (i like werid wapons) and some pistons (one with ballistic punch or a pair of harpoon...very slow but very deadly weapon...depends of the points to play)
really they have a few of all things, but they dont hightlight on nothing, softy attribute but a a lot of gadgets to change the play final match

really they are really good with rifle an his scope, one of the more pain of theass range weapon in the game, but you cant trust all your gang on the rifle...although they keep been deadly and mortal

caronte is a very good character
and now in the ks we have a very greatfull surprise... samantha miniature and new rules for her (the sexy leader of junkers faction) she could change the playstyle for junkers... maybe

really i dont control very well junker, play a pair of time with them and lost...but i am a very clumsy player XD
caronte the player is your best shoot, i tell him ;)
On the contrary, the Junkers began to attract me with their lore and unusual weapons. I've always loved and played with rifle armies. Now I play Gangers with rifle shooters + bows and some of the cheapest units with knives for taking points. Yesterday Nikitin's mutards were removed from the table for the fifth round they were playing at 500. Nikita was upset and clearly hatching an insidious plan of revenge by mutards on three bubbleheads and crowds of zombies! :lol: :lol:

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Registrado: Vie Ago 09, 2019 2:52 pm

Re: Play day at Punkapocalyptic in St. Petersburg!

Mensaje por RICO » Lun Oct 18, 2021 9:40 pm

tell him to nikita from mutard friend.... take cover, the cover is your friend :mrgreen:

ahhh fucking shooters and his stupid rifle! some day the mutards have a flamethrower mutation...SOMEDAY!!! :lol: :lol:
Mutants With Apttittude

Mensajes: 104
Registrado: Jue Jun 24, 2021 2:39 pm

Re: Play day at Punkapocalyptic in St. Petersburg!

Mensaje por Шрек » Lun Oct 18, 2021 9:51 pm

RICO escribió:
Lun Oct 18, 2021 9:40 pm
tell him to nikita from mutard friend.... take cover, the cover is your friend :mrgreen:

ahhh fucking shooters and his stupid rifle! some day the mutards have a flamethrower mutation...SOMEDAY!!! :lol: :lol:
actually I was just really lucky on the dice. I was constantly rolling 8-9-10 for damage and defense !!! I myself was stunned by my throws.

Mensajes: 104
Registrado: Jue Jun 24, 2021 2:39 pm

Re: Play day at Punkapocalyptic in St. Petersburg!

Mensaje por Шрек » Lun Oct 18, 2021 9:54 pm

RICO escribió:
Lun Oct 18, 2021 9:40 pm
tell him to nikita from mutard friend.... take cover, the cover is your friend :mrgreen:

ahhh fucking shooters and his stupid rifle! some day the mutards have a flamethrower mutation...SOMEDAY!!! :lol: :lol:
but I almost forgot an important question arose! When I kill one of the zombies who chooses which zombie to clear from the table? The rules say that the whole flock is one unit. Accordingly, I choose which model to remove? The Mutard player chooses a model at his discretion, is it chosen randomly or the one I shot?

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Registrado: Vie Ago 09, 2019 2:52 pm

Re: Play day at Punkapocalyptic in St. Petersburg!

Mensaje por RICO » Lun Oct 18, 2021 10:32 pm

You must chose the zombie before you shoot, chose your target like normal mini, they works like group for mover, actions etc, but they keep being a single mini each one... If you ganger, for example, decide attack a group of zombies, they attak only a single Miniatures nota all of them, but if the zombies group decide attack your ganger they spend one actions but yo must resolve each combat later ( nota the dame spend 12 bullet on two zombies than spend 24 on four)
Mutants With Apttittude

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Registrado: Sab Ago 10, 2019 4:35 pm

Re: Play day at Punkapocalyptic in St. Petersburg!

Mensaje por CARONTE » Mar Oct 19, 2021 6:51 pm

Шрек escribió:
Lun Oct 18, 2021 9:24 pm
For some time I was busy with work and family,
I didn't come because I was very busy time too. :(
Шрек escribió:
Lun Oct 18, 2021 9:24 pm
so I played little, but at the same time we continued to develop Punka at our place. Now the guys will collect and paint their bundles, it will be more interesting. We now have a few players and I really hope to have our first small tournament by December. A 6-8 person just for fun and to draw attention to the system.
My first tournament after quarantine was at October 2nd 2021, with the list that I wrote you. We were 16, and I was the 9th. My first time playing since February 2nd 2020! :lol:
Шрек escribió:
Lun Oct 18, 2021 9:24 pm
Here we have a couple more people who are interested in Junkers. Perhaps I will collect them for myself with the second faction. And I want to understand from what tactics and models they play.
As I expected, the focus is on the Dynamo and Junkers Specialized Weapons. What tactics do you follow when playing with this receipt? Who are the models for scoring victory points?
Probe is a expensive miniature. For this reason I only choose for a band with more than 400 points or if in a tournament it's necessary his skills. For example, in Maximum overdrive a couple of Probes can carry the gasoline cans fast and successfully.

Piston is expensive too, but harpoon gun is a great arm. He cans take an objetive in his or medium zone and protect a medium range.
Piston with ballistic punch and medium blade can be dangerous.

Gear is a type of junker that I usually don't have, except with pumper. Then can cover a lot of place from the deployment zones. Other players use the rifle with scope. Really they have the same goal.

Dynamo is the basis of my lists. He has a lot of interesting gadgets. :mrgreen:

Gear with pumper (24 points) + Dynamo with vaporeta and gadgets of the trade (26 points) = 50 points (very comfortable amount of points for to build a list)
The pumper keeps near objectives and cover the maximum range. The vaporeta protect the bumper for near attacks and repair the pumper. After rounds, the vaporeta can advance and take medium zone objectives.

Dynamo with fire bombs ("valyrio" is variable points. Minimum 25 points) + Dynamo with crack’n’snap & electric suit (40 points).
Valyrio can cover objectives or zones with fire. Dynamo with electric suit can cross the zones with fire, and take objectives, while oponents have to risk with the fire. They can try medium zone objectives, even in the oponent zone.

I hope this ideas help you. :ugeek:
:twisted: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 8-)

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Mensajes: 2127
Registrado: Vie Ago 09, 2019 2:52 pm

Re: Play day at Punkapocalyptic in St. Petersburg!

Mensaje por RICO » Mar Oct 19, 2021 7:33 pm

Thanks for the help caronte! :mrgreen: you are the Junkers eminence! 8-)
Mutants With Apttittude

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