If something is important and distinguishes Punkapocalyptic is its community. In this section you will find several sections that have to do with everything related to it.
At Map we help you find other players to share Punka with.
In Powermongers you can find people who know how to play Punkapocalyptic, and who will be happy to teach you. They are in charge of moving the community in each area, organizing tournaments, etc… Or maybe you want to become one of them.
In Clubs you will find a list of Clubs and Associations where Punkapocalyptic is played.
In Events you can see what tournaments or events related to Punkapocalyptic will be held soon.
In Forum you will access the official Punkapocalyptic forum, for those nostalgic for the more classic communication options with other players.
In Contact you have a form to contact us directly.
And in Distribution you have information about the distribution of our products, in case you are a store and want to buy them.