


All you need to play Punkapocalyptic together in one place. Rulebook, specific faction rules, scenarios, campaign rules… And all for free! Click here, scumbag!

And if you still don’t get something straight, check the What the FAQ! section to see if someone had the same doubt before.




Nice little shiny things to give your games some glamour, markers, templates and gang sheets. Make your band the coolest in the ‘hood. Go!




The Scrapbridge Gazette

The Wasteland monthly publication, for you to be up-to-date with all the weird shit happening around the Scrapbridge area. Each 13th in your press stall, only for one dirty bullet! We don’t give it for free out of sheer shame! Read it now!



VHS Covers

VHS cases in the world are limited, so we have had to change our current packagings for the Starter Packs. But if you want to print the covers in that format to make your own boxes, this is your chance.



Pimp up your desktop with this selection of images and pictures of Punkapocalyptic. Show’em who’s boss! Hit it!



  1. Pingback: [Punkapocalyptic] Miniaturas ya a la venta¡Cargad! | ¡Cargad!

  2. Genial

  3. Muy bueno! me encanta la gaceta, espero que saquen mas y mas a menudo

  4. ¡Este juego es impresionante!!!! Muy buena la gaceta.

  5. gaceta mas mas es plastico guagi

  6. Ha quedado en un muy buen nivel, listo para salir a la calle. Felicitaciones

  7. Gracias por toda la info y las descargas gratis.

    ¿Para cuando un Wallpaper de un mapa del paramo?


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